Pilates Plus Stonehaven

health and harmony

Julie Crocker - Pilates Instructor

Julie Crocker

I was introduced to the Pilates method after a serious accident in my early twenties left me with potentially life changing injuries. After surgery my Physio introduced me to Pilates exercises as part of my rehabilitation plan which I followed resolutely and the results were astonishing, both to myself and my medical team.

I resolved to train in the Method after recovery and also as a Sports Therapist alongside to bring deeper knowledge into my courses and classes and to be able to offer treatments such as Remedial / Sports Massage alongside.

Practicing Pilates has allowed me to continue my work and sporting hobbies with a passion for many years!

about pilates

Pilates is a method of exercise that consists of low impact muscular strength, endurance and flexibility movements. It helps improve strength, flexibility and posture, whatever your age, gender and level of fitness.

Pilates emphasizes proper postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance.

Pilates is named after its creator Joseph Pilates who developed the original exercises in the 1920s.

The exercises can be used by anyone, from remedial pupils through to elite athletes.

about sports therapy

Sports Therapy is an aspect of Healthcare that is specifically concerned with the prevention of injury and the rehabilitation of the patient back to optimum levels of the functional, occupational and sports specific fitness, regardless of age and ability.

about the studio

Pilates Plus Stonehaven use the Haven Studio in the Market Square Buildings, Stonehaven right on the Market Square itself and just around the corner from the main bus stops. It is a tranquil sanctuary to escape the stresses of modern life. Invigorate both body and mind, improve your posture and develop core strength in a warm, inviting studio.

students doing Pilates
students doing Pilates

As well as the main studio area for Pilates sessions there is a private treatment room for massage and reflexology.

There is 'pay and display' parking in the Square and usually on street parking on adjacent streets.

Connect with Julie

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